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Oral Session 1: Generative Modeling

Moderator: Tim Salimans

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Tue 7 Dec. 0:00 - 0:15 PST

E(n) Equivariant Normalizing Flows

Victor Garcia Satorras · Emiel Hoogeboom · Fabian Fuchs · Ingmar Posner · Max Welling

This paper introduces a generative model equivariant to Euclidean symmetries: E(n) Equivariant Normalizing Flows (E-NFs). To construct E-NFs, we take the discriminative E(n) graph neural networks and integrate them as a differential equation to obtain an invertible equivariant function: a continuous-time normalizing flow. We demonstrate that E-NFs considerably outperform baselines and existing methods from the literature on particle systems such as DW4 and LJ13, and on molecules from QM9 in terms of log-likelihood. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first flow that jointly generates molecule features and positions in 3D.

Tue 7 Dec. 0:15 - 0:20 PST


Tue 7 Dec. 0:20 - 0:35 PST

Online Variational Filtering and Parameter Learning

Andrew Campbell · Yuyang Shi · Thomas Rainforth · Arnaud Doucet

We present a variational method for online state estimation and parameter learning in state-space models (SSMs), a ubiquitous class of latent variable models for sequential data. As per standard batch variational techniques, we use stochastic gradients to simultaneously optimize a lower bound on the log evidence with respect to both model parameters and a variational approximation of the states' posterior distribution. However, unlike existing approaches, our method is able to operate in an entirely online manner, such that historic observations do not require revisitation after being incorporated and the cost of updates at each time step remains constant, despite the growing dimensionality of the joint posterior distribution of the states. This is achieved by utilizing backward decompositions of this joint posterior distribution and of its variational approximation, combined with Bellman-type recursions for the evidence lower bound and its gradients. We demonstrate the performance of this methodology across several examples, including high-dimensional SSMs and sequential Variational Auto-Encoders.

Tue 7 Dec. 0:35 - 0:40 PST


Tue 7 Dec. 0:40 - 0:55 PST

Alias-Free Generative Adversarial Networks

Tero Karras · Miika Aittala · Samuli Laine · Erik Härkönen · Janne Hellsten · Jaakko Lehtinen · Timo Aila

We observe that despite their hierarchical convolutional nature, the synthesis process of typical generative adversarial networks depends on absolute pixel coordinates in an unhealthy manner. This manifests itself as, e.g., detail appearing to be glued to image coordinates instead of the surfaces of depicted objects. We trace the root cause to careless signal processing that causes aliasing in the generator network. Interpreting all signals in the network as continuous, we derive generally applicable, small architectural changes that guarantee that unwanted information cannot leak into the hierarchical synthesis process. The resulting networks match the FID of StyleGAN2 but differ dramatically in their internal representations, and they are fully equivariant to translation and rotation even at subpixel scales. Our results pave the way for generative models better suited for video and animation.

Tue 7 Dec. 0:55 - 1:00 PST