Demonstrations must show novel technology and must run online during the conference. Unlike poster presentations or slide shows, interaction with the audience is a critical element. Therefore, the creativity of demonstrators to propose new ways in which interaction and engagement can fully leverage this year鈥檚 virtual conference format will be particularly relevant for selection. This session has the following demonstrations:
- PYLON: A PyTorch Framework for Learning with Constraints
- Real-Time and Accurate Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Mobile Device
- Unsupervised Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning
- Prospective Explanations: An Interactive Mechanism for Model Understanding
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Thu 8:30 a.m. - 8:35 a.m.
Marco Ciccone 馃敆 |
Thu 8:35 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.
PYLON: A PyTorch Framework for Learning with Constraints ( Live Demo ) > link | Kareem Ahmed 路 Tao Li 路 Nu Mai Thy Ton 路 Quan Guo 路 Kai-Wei Chang 路 Parisa Kordjamshidi 路 Vivek Srikumar 路 Guy Van den Broeck 路 Sameer Singh 馃敆 |
Thu 8:50 a.m. - 9:05 a.m.
Real-Time and Accurate Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation on Mobile Device ( Live Demo ) > link |
15 presentersHong Cai 路 Yinhao Zhu 路 Janarbek Matai 路 Fatih Porikli 路 Fei Yin 路 Tushar Singhal 路 Bharath Ramaswamy 路 Frank Mayer 路 Chirag Patel 路 Parham Noorzad 路 Andrii Skliar 路 Tijmen Blankevoort 路 Joseph Soriaga 路 Ron Tindall 路 Pat Lawlor |
Thu 9:05 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
Unsupervised Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning ( Live Demo ) > link |
17 presentersFarhad G. Zanjani 路 Ilia Karmanov 路 Hanno Ackermann 路 Daniel Dijkman 路 Max Welling 路 Ishaque Kadampot 路 Simone Merlin 路 Steve Shellhammer 路 Rui Liang 路 Brian Buesker 路 Harshit Joshi 路 Vamsi Vegunta 路 Raamkumar Balamurthi 路 Bibhu Mohanty 路 Joseph Soriaga 路 Ron Tindall 路 Pat Lawlor |
Thu 9:20 a.m. - 9:35 a.m.
Prospective Explanations: An Interactive Mechanism for Model Understanding ( Live Demo ) > link | Rahul Nair 路 Pierpaolo Tommasi 馃敆 |