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Workshop: Machine learning from ground truth: New medical imaging datasets for unsolved medical problems.

Data Opportunities: unsolved medical problems and where new data can help

Bin Yu · Regina Barzilay · Marzyeh Ghassemi · Emma Pierson


This panel will begin by introducing three critical medical issues that drive mortality despite years of research: cancer, sudden cardiac death, maternal mortality. The moderator will facilitate a group conversation about how the panelists approach working on issues like these in their research, as well as challenges and opportunities in applying new data and ML tools to similar issues in medicine.

Featured panelists include Regina Barzilay, Distinguished Professor for AI and Health, EECS, MIT; Marzyeh Ghassemi, Assistant Professor, EECS and IMES, MIT, Faculty Member, The Vector Insitute Elaine Nsoesie, Assistant Professor, Boston University School of Public Health; Emma Pierson, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech