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Discussion Panel
Workshop: CtrlGen: Controllable Generative Modeling in Language and Vision

Discussion Panel and QA Session


Discussion panel and QA session with the majority of our speakers and two additional panelists: Sebastian Gehrmann and Angela Fan.

Some pre-solicited questions are available on Slido for viewing and upvoting/downvoting:

Feel free to (and please do) add your own questions either to Slido (using the link above) or the RocketChat!

Additional panelist biographies:

Sebastian is a researcher at Google Research working on the development and evaluation of controllable and interpretable models for language generation. His work received awards and honorable mentions at IEEE Vis '18 and the ACL'19 and NeurIPS'20 Demo Tracks. He co-organized INLG '19, the EvalNLGEval workshop at INLG '20, and the Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics workshop at ACL'21.

Angela Fan is a research scientist at FAIR Paris focusing on text generation for low-resource languages.