AI for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response
Ritwik Gupta · Robin Murphy · Trevor Darrell · Eric Heim · Zhangyang Wang · Bryce Goodman · Piotr Biliński
West Meeting Room 217-219
Fri 13 Dec, 8 a.m. PST
Natural disasters are one of the oldest threats to not just individuals but to the societies they co-exist in. As a result, humanity has ceaselessly sought way to provide assistance to people in need after disasters have struck. Further, natural disasters are but a single, extreme example of the many possible humanitarian crises. Disease outbreak, famine, and oppression against disadvantaged groups can pose even greater dangers to people that have less obvious solutions.
In this proposed workshop, we seek to bring together the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) communities in order to bring AI to bear on real-world humanitarian crises.
Through this workshop, we intend to establish meaningful dialogue between the communities.
By the end of the workshop, the NeurIPS research community can come to understand the practical challenges of in aiding those in crisis, while the HADR can understand the landscape that is the state of art and practice in AI.
Through this, we seek to begin establishing a pipeline of transitioning the research created by the NeurIPS community to real-world humanitarian issues.
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