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Time/Accuracy Tradeoffs for Learning a ReLU with respect to Gaussian Marginals

Surbhi Goel · Sushrut Karmalkar · Adam Klivans

East Exhibition Hall B, C #235

Keywords: [ Hardness of Learning and Approximations ] [ Theory ] [ Computational Complexity ]

Abstract: We consider the problem of computing the best-fitting ReLU with respect to square-loss on a training set when the examples have been drawn according to a spherical Gaussian distribution (the labels can be arbitrary). Let \opt<1 be the population loss of the best-fitting ReLU. We prove: \begin{itemize}\item Finding a ReLU with square-loss $\opt + \epsilon$ is as  hard as the problem of learning sparse parities with noise, widely thought  to be computationally intractable.  This is the first hardness  result for learning a ReLU with respect to Gaussian marginals, and  our results imply --{\em unconditionally}-- that gradient descent cannot  converge to the global minimum in polynomial time.\item There exists an efficient approximation algorithm for finding the  best-fitting ReLU that achieves error $O(\opt^{2/3})$.  The  algorithm uses a novel reduction to noisy halfspace learning with  respect to $0/1$ loss. \end{itemize} Prior work due to Soltanolkotabi \cite{soltanolkotabi2017learning} showed that gradient descent {\em can} find the best-fitting ReLU with respect to Gaussian marginals, if the training set is {\em exactly} labeled by a ReLU.

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