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The Randomized Midpoint Method for Log-Concave Sampling

Ruoqi Shen · Yin Tat Lee

East Exhibition Hall B, C #163

Keywords: [ Optimization ] [ Probabilistic Methods ] [ MCMC ]

Abstract: Sampling from log-concave distributions is a well researched problem that has many applications in statistics and machine learning. We study the distributions of the form pexp(f(x))pexp(f(x)), where f:RdR has an L-Lipschitz gradient and is m-strongly convex. In our paper, we propose a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm based on the underdamped Langevin diffusion (ULD). It can achieve ϵD error (in 2-Wasserstein distance) in ˜O(κ7/6/ϵ1/3+κ/ϵ2/3) steps, where Ddef=dm is the effective diameter of the problem and κdef=Lm is the condition number. Our algorithm performs significantly faster than the previously best known algorithm for solving this problem, which requires ˜O(κ1.5/ϵ) steps \cite{chen2019optimal,dalalyan2018sampling}. Moreover, our algorithm can be easily parallelized to require only O(κlog1ϵ) parallel steps. To solve the sampling problem, we propose a new framework to discretize stochastic differential equations. We apply this framework to discretize and simulate ULD, which converges to the target distribution p. The framework can be used to solve not only the log-concave sampling problem, but any problem that involves simulating (stochastic) differential equations.

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