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Global Convergence of Gradient Descent for Deep Linear Residual Networks

Lei Wu · Qingcan Wang · Chao Ma

East Exhibition Hall B, C #201

Keywords: [ Optimization for Deep Networks ] [ Deep Learning ] [ Optimization -> Non-Convex Optimization; Theory -> Computational Complexity; Theory ] [ Learning Theory ]

Abstract: We analyze the global convergence of gradient descent for deep linear residual networks by proposing a new initialization: zero-asymmetric (ZAS) initialization. It is motivated by avoiding stable manifolds of saddle points. We prove that under the ZAS initialization, for an arbitrary target matrix, gradient descent converges to an ε-optimal point in O(L3log(1/ε)) iterations, which scales polynomially with the network depth L. Our result and the exp(Ω(L)) convergence time for the standard initialization (Xavier or near-identity) \cite{shamir2018exponential} together demonstrate the importance of the residual structure and the initialization in the optimization for deep linear neural networks, especially when L is large.

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