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Oracle-Efficient Algorithms for Online Linear Optimization with Bandit Feedback

Shinji Ito · Daisuke Hatano · Hanna Sumita · Kei Takemura · Takuro Fukunaga · Naonori Kakimura · Ken-Ichi Kawarabayashi

East Exhibition Hall B, C #20

Keywords: [ Bandit Algorithms ] [ Algorithms ] [ Convex Optimization; The ] [ Algorithms; Algorithms -> Online Learning; Optimization -> Combinatorial Optimization; Optimization ]

Abstract: We propose computationally efficient algorithms for \textit{online linear optimization with bandit feedback}, in which a player chooses an \textit{action vector} from a given (possibly infinite) set ARd, and then suffers a loss that can be expressed as a linear function in action vectors. Although existing algorithms achieve an optimal regret bound of ˜O(T) for T rounds (ignoring factors of poly(d,logT)), computationally efficient ways of implementing them have not yet been specified, in particular when |A| is not bounded by a polynomial size in d. A standard way to pursue computational efficiency is to assume that we have an efficient algorithm referred to as \textit{oracle} that solves (offline) linear optimization problems over A. Under this assumption, the computational efficiency of a bandit algorithm can then be measured in terms of \textit{oracle complexity}, i.e., the number of oracle calls. Our contribution is to propose algorithms that offer optimal regret bounds of ˜O(T) as well as low oracle complexity for both \textit{non-stochastic settings} and \textit{stochastic settings}. Our algorithm for non-stochastic settings has an oracle complexity of ˜O(T) and is the first algorithm that achieves both a regret bound of ˜O(T) and an oracle complexity of ˜O(poly(T)), given only linear optimization oracles. Our algorithm for stochastic settings calls the oracle only O(poly(d,logT)) times, which is smaller than the current best oracle complexity of O(T) if T is sufficiently large.

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