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MarginGAN: Adversarial Training in Semi-Supervised Learning

Jinhao Dong · Tong Lin

East Exhibition Hall B, C #119

Keywords: [ Deep Learning ] [ Adversarial Networks ] [ Semi-Supervised Learning ] [ Algorithms ]


A Margin Generative Adversarial Network (MarginGAN) is proposed for semi-supervised learning problems. Like Triple-GAN, the proposed MarginGAN consists of three components---a generator, a discriminator and a classifier, among which two forms of adversarial training arise. The discriminator is trained as usual to distinguish real examples from fake examples produced by the generator. The new feature is that the classifier attempts to increase the margin of real examples and to decrease the margin of fake examples. On the contrary, the purpose of the generator is yielding realistic and large-margin examples in order to fool the discriminator and the classifier simultaneously. Pseudo labels are used for generated and unlabeled examples in training. Our method is motivated by the success of large-margin classifiers and the recent viewpoint that good semi-supervised learning requires a bad'' GAN. Experiments on benchmark datasets testify that MarginGAN is orthogonal to several state-of-the-art methods, offering improved error rates and shorter training time as well.

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