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Tensor Monte Carlo: Particle Methods for the GPU era

Laurence Aitchison

East Exhibition Hall B, C #193

Keywords: [ Probabilistic Methods ] [ Variational Inference ] [ Latent Variable Models ] [ Deep Learning -> Generative Models; Probabilistic Methods ]

Abstract: Multi-sample, importance-weighted variational autoencoders (IWAE) give tighter bounds and more accurate uncertainty estimates than variational autoencoders (VAEs) trained with a standard single-sample objective. However, IWAEs scale poorly: as the latent dimensionality grows, they require exponentially many samples to retain the benefits of importance weighting. While sequential Monte-Carlo (SMC) can address this problem, it is prohibitively slow because the resampling step imposes sequential structure which cannot be parallelised, and moreover, resampling is non-differentiable which is problematic when learning approximate posteriors. To address these issues, we developed tensor Monte-Carlo (TMC) which gives exponentially many importance samples by separately drawing KK samples for each of the nn latent variables, then averaging over all KnKn possible combinations. While the sum over exponentially many terms might seem to be intractable, in many cases it can be computed efficiently as a series of tensor inner-products. We show that TMC is superior to IWAE on a generative model with multiple stochastic layers trained on the MNIST handwritten digit database, and we show that TMC can be combined with standard variance reduction techniques.

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