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Single-Model Uncertainties for Deep Learning

Nataša Tagasovska · David Lopez-Paz

East Exhibition Hall B, C #51

Keywords: [ Deep Learning ] [ Uncertainty Estimation ] [ Algorithms ]


We provide single-model estimates of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty for deep neural networks. To estimate aleatoric uncertainty, we propose Simultaneous Quantile Regression (SQR), a loss function to learn all the conditional quantiles of a given target variable. These quantiles can be used to compute well-calibrated prediction intervals. To estimate epistemic uncertainty, we propose Orthonormal Certificates (OCs), a collection of diverse non-constant functions that map all training samples to zero. These certificates map out-of-distribution examples to non-zero values, signaling epistemic uncertainty. Our uncertainty estimators are computationally attractive, as they do not require ensembling or retraining deep models, and achieve state-of-the-art performance.

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