Non-Asymptotic Gap-Dependent Regret Bounds for Tabular MDPs
Max Simchowitz · Kevin Jamieson
East Exhibition Hall B, C #203
Keywords: [ Markov Decision Processes ] [ Reinforcement Learning and Planning ] [ Learning Theory ] [ Algorithms -> Active Learning; Algorithms -> Bandit Algorithms; Theory ]
This paper establishes that optimistic algorithms attain gap-dependent and non-asymptotic logarithmic regret for episodic MDPs. In contrast to prior work, our bounds do not suffer a dependence on diameter-like quantities or ergodicity, and smoothly interpolate between the gap dependent logarithmic-regret, and the ˜O(√HSAT)-minimax rate. The key technique in our analysis is a novel clipped'' regret decomposition which applies to a broad family of recent optimistic algorithms for episodic MDPs.
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