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Deep Generative Markov State Models

Hao Wu · Andreas Mardt · Luca Pasquali · Frank Noe

Room 517 AB #117

Keywords: [ Spectral Methods ] [ Stochastic Methods ] [ Time Series Analysis ] [ Unsupervised Learning ] [ Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction and Manifold Learning ] [ Generative Models ]


We propose a deep generative Markov State Model (DeepGenMSM) learning framework for inference of metastable dynamical systems and prediction of trajectories. After unsupervised training on time series data, the model contains (i) a probabilistic encoder that maps from high-dimensional configuration space to a small-sized vector indicating the membership to metastable (long-lived) states, (ii) a Markov chain that governs the transitions between metastable states and facilitates analysis of the long-time dynamics, and (iii) a generative part that samples the conditional distribution of configurations in the next time step. The model can be operated in a recursive fashion to generate trajectories to predict the system evolution from a defined starting state and propose new configurations. The DeepGenMSM is demonstrated to provide accurate estimates of the long-time kinetics and generate valid distributions for molecular dynamics (MD) benchmark systems. Remarkably, we show that DeepGenMSMs are able to make long time-steps in molecular configuration space and generate physically realistic structures in regions that were not seen in training data.

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