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Blind Regression: Nonparametric Regression for Latent Variable Models via Collaborative Filtering

Dogyoon Song · Christina Lee · Yihua Li · Devavrat Shah

Area 5+6+7+8 #39

Keywords: [ Learning Theory ] [ (Other) Probabilistic Models and Methods ] [ Similarity and Distance Learning ] [ (Application) Collaborative Filtering and Recommender Systems ] [ Ranking and Preference Learning ]

Abstract: We introduce the framework of blind regression motivated by matrix completion for recommendation systems: given $m$ users, $n$ movies, and a subset of user-movie ratings, the goal is to predict the unobserved user-movie ratings given the data, i.e., to complete the partially observed matrix. Following the framework of non-parametric statistics, we posit that user $u$ and movie $i$ have features $x1(u)$ and $x2(i)$ respectively, and their corresponding rating $y(u,i)$ is a noisy measurement of $f(x1(u), x2(i))$ for some unknown function $f$. In contrast with classical regression, the features $x = (x1(u), x2(i))$ are not observed, making it challenging to apply standard regression methods to predict the unobserved ratings. Inspired by the classical Taylor's expansion for differentiable functions, we provide a prediction algorithm that is consistent for all Lipschitz functions. In fact, the analysis through our framework naturally leads to a variant of collaborative filtering, shedding insight into the widespread success of collaborative filtering in practice. Assuming each entry is sampled independently with probability at least $\max(m^{-1+\delta},n^{-1/2+\delta})$ with $\delta > 0$, we prove that the expected fraction of our estimates with error greater than $\epsilon$ is less than $\gamma^2 / \epsilon^2$ plus a polynomially decaying term, where $\gamma^2$ is the variance of the additive entry-wise noise term. Experiments with the MovieLens and Netflix datasets suggest that our algorithm provides principled improvements over basic collaborative filtering and is competitive with matrix factorization methods.

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