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Poster Spotlight 1
Workshop: The Future of Interactive Machine Learning

Poster Spotlight Talks 1


SPARC: an efficient way to combine reinforcement learning and supervised autonomy, Emmanuel Senft, Paul Baxter, Séverin Lemaignan and Tony Belpaeme

Near-optimal Bayesian Active Learning with Correlated and Noisy Tests, Yuxin Chen, Hamed Hassani and Andreas Krause

A Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction Dataset, Pablo Azagra, Yoan Mollard, Florian Golemo, Ana Cristina Murillo, Manuel Lopes and Javier Civera

Cross-Entropy as a Criterion for Robust Interactive Learning of Latent Properties, Johannes Kulick, Robert Lieck and Marc Toussaint

Ensemble Co-Training of Image and EEG-based RSVP Classifiers for Improved Image Triage, Steven Gutstein, Vernon Lawhern and Brent Lance

Active Reinforcement Learning: Observing Rewards at a Cost, David Krueger, Owain Evans, Jan Leike and John Salvatier

ReVACNN: Steering Convolutional Neural Network via Real-Time Visual Analytics, Sunghyo Chung, Cheonbok Park, Sangho Suh, Kyeongpil Kang, Jaegul Choo and Bum Chul Kwon

Analysis of a Design Pattern for Teaching with Features and Labels, Christopher Meek, Patrice Simard and Jerry Zhu

Agent-Agnostic Human-in-the-Loop Reinforcement Learning, David Abel, Owain Evans, John Salvatier and Andreas Stuhlmüller

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