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Tue Dec 14 06:00 AM -- 01:40 PM (PST)
Machine Learning for the Developing World (ML4D): Global Challenges
Paula Rodriguez Diaz · Konstantin Klemmer · Sally Simone Fobi · Oluwafemi Azeez · Niveditha Kalavakonda · Aya Salama · Tejumade Afonja

Workshop Home Page

While some nations are regaining normality after almost a year and a half since the COVID-19 pandemic struck as a global challenge –schools are reopening, face mask mandates are being dropped, economies are recovering, etc ... –, other nations, especially developing ones, are amid their most critical scenarios in terms of health, economy, and education. Although this ongoing pandemic has been a global challenge, it has had local consequences and necessities in developing regions that are not necessarily shared globally. This situation makes us question how global challenges such as access to vaccines, good internet connectivity, sanitation, water, as well as poverty, climate change, environmental degradation, amongst others, have had and will have local consequences in developing nations, and how machine learning approaches can assist in designing solutions that take into account these local characteristics.

Past iterations of the ML4D workshop have explored: the development of smart solutions for intractable problems, the challenges and risks that arise when deploying machine learning models in developing regions, and building machine learning models with improved resilience. This year, we call on our community to identify and understand the particular challenges and consequences that global issues may result in developing regions while proposing machine learning-based solutions for tackling them.

Additionally, as part of COVID-19's global and local consequences, we will dedicate part of the workshop to understand the challenges in machine learning research in developing regions since the pandemic started. We aim to support and incentivize ML4D research while considering current challenges by including new sections such as a guidance and mentorship session for project proposals and a round table session focused on understanding the constraints faced by researchers in our community.

Opening Remarks
Invited Talk: AI for Social Impact: Results from Deployments for Public Health (Live on Zoom)
Invite Talk Q&A (Send your questions using Zoom or Virtual Site Chat)
Leveraging machine learning for less developed languages: Progress on Urdu text detection. (Contributed Talk)
Poster Session - Intro/Info (Intro)
Poster Session (Join us on Gather)
Invited Talk: Poverty Models in Action, Lessons from 3 Years of Working With the Public Sector (Live on Zoom)
Invited Talk Q&A (Send your questions using Zoom or Virtual Site Chat)
Sign-to-Speech Model for Sign Language Understanding: A Case Study of Nigerian Sign Language (Contributed Talk)
General Information (Intro)
Problem Pitch Mentoring Session (Join us on Gather)
General Information - Agenda Overview (Intro)
A Higher Purpose: Measuring Electricity Access Using High-Resolution Daytime Satellite Imagery (Contributed Talk)
Panel Session (Live on Zoom and Virtual Site)
Virtual Coffee Break (Break)
Invited Talk: Promise, Pitfalls and Priorities of Machine Learning and Human AI for Development and Democracy (Live on Zoom)
Invited Talk Q&A (Send your questions using Zoom or Virtual Site Chat)
Closing Remarks