Offline reinforcement learning (RL) is a re-emerging area of study that aims to learn behaviors using only logged data, such as data from previous experiments or human demonstrations, without further environment interaction. It has the potential to make tremendous progress in a number of real-world decision-making problems where active data collection is expensive (e.g., in robotics, drug discovery, dialogue generation, recommendation systems) or unsafe/dangerous (e.g., healthcare, autonomous driving, or education). Such a paradigm promises to resolve a key challenge to bringing reinforcement learning algorithms out of constrained lab settings to the real world. The first edition of the offline RL workshop, held at NeurIPS 2020, focused on and led to algorithmic development in offline RL. This year we propose to shift the focus from algorithm design to bridging the gap between offline RL research and real-world offline RL. Our aim is to create a space for discussion between researchers and practitioners on topics of importance for enabling offline RL methods in the real world. To that end, we have revised the topics and themes of the workshop, invited new speakers working on application-focused areas, and building on the lively panel discussion last year, we have invited the panelists from last year to participate in a retrospective panel on their changing perspectives.
For details on submission please visit: (Submission deadline: October 6, Anywhere on Earth)
Aviv Tamar (Technion - Israel Inst. of Technology)
Angela Schoellig (University of Toronto)
Barbara Engelhardt (Princeton University)
Sham Kakade (University of Washington/Microsoft)
Minmin Chen (Google)
Philip S. Thomas (UMass Amherst)
Opening Remarks | |
Learning to Explore From Data (Talk) | |
Q&A for Aviv Tamar (Q&A) | |
Contributed Talk 1: What Matters in Learning from Offline Human Demonstrations for Robot Manipulation (Talk) | |
Contributed Talk 2: What Would the Expert do?: Causal Imitation Learning (Talk) | |
Contributed Talk 3: Offline Reinforcement Learning: Fundamental Barriers for Value Function Approximation (Talk) | |
Contributed Talk 4: PulseRL: Enabling Offline Reinforcement Learning for Digital Marketing Systems via Conservative Q-Learning (Talk) | |
Poster Session 1 (Poster Session) | |
Speaker Intro (Speaker Introduction) | |
Offline RL for Robotics (Talk) | |
Q&A for Angela Schoellig (Q&A) | |
Speaker Intro (Live short intro) | |
Generalization theory in Offline RL (Talk) | |
Q&A for Sham Kakade (Q&A) | |
Invited Speaker Panel (Discussion Panel) | |
Retrospective Panel (Discussion Panel) | |
Speaker Intro | |
Offline RL for recommendation systems (Talk) | |
Q&A for Minmin Chen (Q&A) | |
Speaker Intro | |
Offline Reinforcement Learning for Hospital Patients When Every Patient is Different (Talk) | |
Q&A for Barbara Engelhardt (Q&A) | |
Speaker Intro (Introduction) | |
Advances in (High-Confidence) Off-Policy Evaluation (Talk) | |
Q&A for Philip Thomas (Q&A) | |
Closing Remarks & Poster Session (Closing Remarks) | |
Poster Session 2 (Poster Session) | |
Single-Shot Pruning for Offline Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Quantile Filtered Imitation Learning (Poster) | |
Benchmarking Sample Selection Strategies for Batch Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Dynamic Mirror Descent based Model Predictive Control for Accelerating Robot Learning (Poster) | |
Showing Your Offline Reinforcement Learning Work: Online Evaluation Budget Matters (Poster) | |
Offline Reinforcement Learning with Munchausen Regularization (Poster) | |
Importance of Empirical Sample Complexity Analysis for Offline Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Discrete Uncertainty Quantification Approach for Offline RL (Poster) | |
Pretraining for Language-Conditioned Imitation with Transformers (Poster) | |
Stateful Offline Contextual Policy Evaluation and Learning (Poster) | |
Offline Reinforcement Learning: Fundamental Barriers for Value Function Approximation (Poster) | |
Learning Value Functions from Undirected State-only Experience (Poster) | |
Model-Based Offline Planning with Trajectory Pruning (Poster) | |
Offline Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Industrial Insertion (Poster) | |
Why so pessimistic? Estimating uncertainties for offline rl through ensembles, and why their independence matters (Poster) | |
Example-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning without Rewards (Poster) | |
The Reflective Explorer: Online Meta-Exploration from Offline Data in Realistic Robotic Tasks (Poster) | |
Domain Knowledge Guided Offline Q Learning (Poster) | |
Counter-Strike Deathmatch with Large-Scale Behavioural Cloning (Poster) | |
Modern Hopfield Networks for Return Decomposition for Delayed Rewards (Poster) | |
Doubly Pessimistic Algorithms for Strictly Safe Off-Policy Optimization (Poster) | |
BATS: Best Action Trajectory Stitching (Poster) | |
Offline neural contextual bandits: Pessimism, Optimization and Generalization (Poster) | |
Discriminator-Weighted Offline Imitation Learning from Suboptimal Demonstrations (Poster) | |
Instance-dependent Offline Reinforcement Learning: From tabular RL to linear MDPs (Poster) | |
MBAIL: Multi-Batch Best Action Imitation Learning utilizing Sample Transfer and Policy Distillation (Poster) | |
DCUR: Data Curriculum for Teaching via Samples with Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
What Would the Expert $do(\cdot)$?: Causal Imitation Learning (Poster) | |
Offline Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Q-Learning (Poster) | |
Adaptive Behavior Cloning Regularization for Stable Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
TRAIL: Near-Optimal Imitation Learning with Suboptimal Data (Poster) | |
Importance of Representation Learning for Off-Policy Fitted Q-Evaluation (Poster) | |
Sim-to-Real Interactive Recommendation via Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Offline Reinforcement Learning with Soft Behavior Regularization (Poster) | |
What Matters in Learning from Offline Human Demonstrations for Robot Manipulation (Poster) | |
TiKick: Toward Playing Multi-agent Football Full Games from Single-agent Demonstrations (Poster) | |
d3rlpy: An Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning Library (Poster) | |
PulseRL: Enabling Offline Reinforcement Learning for Digital Marketing Systems via Conservative Q-Learning (Poster) | |
Improving Zero-shot Generalization in Offline Reinforcement Learning using Generalized Similarity Functions (Poster) | |
Latent Geodesics of Model Dynamics for Offline Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Understanding the Effects of Dataset Characteristics on Offline Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Unsupervised Learning of Temporal Abstractions using Slot-based Transformers (Poster) | |
Pessimistic Model-based Offline Reinforcement Learning under Partial Coverage (Poster) | |
Offline Contextual Bandits for Wireless Network Optimization (Poster) | |
Robust On-Policy Data Collection for Data-Efficient Policy Evaluation (Poster) | |
Personalization for Web-based Services using Offline Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |
Pessimistic Model Selection for Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning (Poster) | |