Tue Dec 14 07:00 AM -- 02:10 PM (PST)
Machine learning from ground truth: New medical imaging datasets for unsolved medical problems.
This workshop will launch a new platform for open medical imaging datasets. Labeled with ground-truth outcomes curated around a set of unsolved medical problems, these data will deepen ways in which ML can contribute to health and raise a new set of technical challenges.
Machine learning from ground truth: introductory remarks (Introductory remarks) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
What are “meaningful” ML datasets and the opportunities and challenges in creating them? (Panel) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
Spotlight talks: new datasets and research finalists (Spotlight talks - accepted papers) | |
Lunch break (Break) | |
A conversation around medical mysteries, featuring Kevin Volpp & Eric Topol (Discussion panel) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
Data science for healthcare in academia and government (Panel) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
Data Opportunities: unsolved medical problems and where new data can help (Panel) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
Pain Prediction in Neurological Spine Disease Patient Using Digital Phenotyping (Poster) | |
Assessing Changes in BNP from Chest Radiographs using Convolutional Neural Networks (Poster) | |
Disability prediction in multiple sclerosis using performance outcome measures and demographic data (Poster) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
What problems get funded in computational medicine? (Panel) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
Nightingale Open Science platform launch and video demonstration (Live talk) | |
Transition break (Break) | |
Closing remarks | |