This workshop aims at introducing some fundamental problems in the field of natural language and speech processing which can be of interest to the general machine learning and deep learning community to improve the efficiency of the models, their training and inference. The workshop program offers an interactive platform for gathering experts and talents from academia and industry through different invited keynote talks, panel discussions, paper submissions, reviews, posters, oral presentations and a mentorship program.
This will provide an opportunity to discuss and learn from each other, exchange ideas, build connections, and brainstorm on potential solutions and future collaborations. The topics of this workshop can be of interest for people working on general machine learning, deep learning, optimization, theory and NLP & Speech applications.
Call for Papers
We encourage the NeurIPS community to submit their solutions, ideas, and ongoing work concerning data, model, training, and inference efficiency for NLP and speech processing. The scope of this workshop includes, but not limited to, the following topics.
(For more details please visit the Workshop Homepage.)
- Efficient Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning
- Model Compression
- Efficient Training
- Data Efficiency
- Edge Intelligence
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: September 18, 2021 (AOE)
- Acceptance Notification: October 22, 2021
- Camera-Ready Submission: November 1, 2021
- Workshop Date: December 13, 2021
Opening Speech (Opening) | |
Continual Learning in Large-Scale Pre-Training (Keynote Talk) | |
Efficient Multi-lingual Neural Machine Translation (Keynote Talk) | |
Compression and Acceleration of Pre-trained Language Models (Keynote Talk) | |
Break | |
Summarization in Quantized Transformer Spaces (Keynote Talk) | |
Data-Efficient Cross-Lingual Natural Language Processing (Keynote Talk) | |
From model compression to self-distillation: a review (Keynote Talk) | |
Poster Session 1 (Poster Session) | |
Lunch Break (Break) | |
Opening of the Afternoon Session (Opening) | |
A versatile and efficient approach to summarize speech into utterance-level representations (Spotlight) | |
Towards Zero and Few-shot Knowledge-seeking Turn Detection in Task-orientated Dialogue Systems (Spotlight) | |
Consistent Accelerated Inference via Confident Adaptive Transformers (Spotlight) | |
CTR-BERT: Cost-effective knowledge distillation for billion-parameter teacher models (Spotlight) | |
Communication-Efficient Federated Learning for Neural Machine Translation (Spotlight) | |
Dynamic-TinyBERT: Further Enhance the Inference Efficiency of TinyBERT by Dynamic Sequence Length (Spotlight) | |
Cutting Down on Prompts and Parameters:Simple Few-Shot Learning with Language Models (Spotlight) | |
Weight, Block or Unit? Exploring Sparsity Tradeoffs for Speech Enhancement on Tiny Neural Accelerators (Spotlight) | |
How to Win LMs and Influence Predictions: Using Short Phrases to Control NLP Models (Keynote Talk) | |
Benchmarks for Multi-objective Hyperparameter Optimization (Keynote Talk) | |
NLP with Synthetic Text (Keynote Talk) | |
Break | |
Toward Efficient Training of Large Language Models with Balanced Conditional Compute (Keynote Talk) | |
Why We Want Contrastive Learning in Language Models (Keynote Talk) | |
Battling with Larger Models through Grounding and Searching (Keynote Talk) | |
Break | |
Panel Discussion | |
Best Papers and Closing Remarks (Closing) | |
Poster Session II (Poster Session) | |
Pruning Encoders with a Multitask Objective (Poster) | |
Continual Few-Shot Learning for Named Entity Recognition (Poster) | |
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Adapter (Poster) | |
Efficient Strategies of Few-Shot On-Device Voice Cloning (Poster) | |
Towards Continual Entity Learning in LanguageModels for Conversational Agents (Poster) | |
A Short Study on Compressing Decoder-Based Language Models (Poster) | |
Towards efficient end-to-end speech recognition with biologically-inspired neural networks (Poster) | |
Compressing Pre-trained Language Models using Progressive Low Rank Decomposition (Poster) | |
Undivided Attention: Are Intermediate Layers Necessary for BERT? (Poster) | |
Prune Once for All: Sparse Pre-Trained Language Models (Poster) | |
Kronecker Decomposition for GPT Compression (Poster) | |
A versatile and efficient approach to summarize speech into utterance-level representations (Poster) | |
Consistent Accelerated Inference via Confident Adaptive Transformers (Poster) | |
Communication-Efficient Federated Learning for Neural Machine Translation (Poster) | |
Cutting Down on Prompts and Parameters:Simple Few-Shot Learning with Language Models (Poster) | |
Adversarial Conversational Shaping for Intelligent Agents (Poster) | |
User-in-the-Loop Named Entity Recognition via Counterfactual Learning (Poster) | |
Efficient Variational Graph Autoencoders for Unsupervised Cross-domain Prerequisite Chains (Poster) | |
Adaptive Fine-tuning for Vision and Language Pre-trained Models (Poster) | |
Magic Pyramid: Accelerating Inference with Early Exiting and Token Pruning (Poster) | |
Towards Textual Out-of-Domain Detection without any In-Domain Labels (Poster) | |
Evaluating robustness of You Only Hear Once(YOHO) Algorithm on noisy audios in the VOICe Dataset (Poster) | |
Towards Zero and Few-shot Knowledge-seeking Turn Detection in Task-orientated Dialogue Systems (Poster) | |
Dynamic-TinyBERT: Further Enhance the Inference Efficiency of TinyBERT by Dynamic Sequence Length (Poster) | |
CTR-BERT: Cost-effective knowledge distillation for billion-parameter teacher models (Poster) | |
Weight, Block or Unit? Exploring Sparsity Tradeoffs for Speech Enhancement on Tiny Neural Accelerators (Poster) | |