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Tue Dec 14 08:55 AM -- 06:05 PM (PST)
Math AI for Education (MATHAI4ED): Bridging the Gap Between Research and Smart Education
Pan Lu · Yuhuai Wu · Sean Welleck · Xiaodan Liang · Eric Xing · James McClelland

Workshop Home Page

Mathematical reasoning is a unique aspect of human intelligence and a fundamental building block for scientific and intellectual pursuits. However, learning mathematics is often a challenging human endeavor that relies on expert instructors to create, teach and evaluate mathematical material. From an educational perspective, AI systems that aid in this process offer increased inclusion and accessibility, efficiency, and understanding of mathematics. Moreover, building systems capable of understanding, creating, and using mathematics offers a unique setting for studying reasoning in AI. This workshop will investigate the intersection of mathematics education and AI, including applications to teaching, evaluation, and assisting. Enabling these applications requires not only innovations in math AI research, but also a better understanding of the challenges in real-world education scenarios. Hence, we will bring together a group of experts from a diverse set of backgrounds, institutions, and disciplines to drive progress on these and other real-world education scenarios, and to discuss the promise and challenge of integrating mathematical AI into education.

Introduction and Opening Remarks (Remarks)
Introduction of the talk speaker (Introduction)
Solving Math Problems by Joint Parsing and Cognitive Reasoning (Invited Talk)
Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Introduction of the talk speaker (Introduction)
Natural Language Processing meets Educational Data Science (Invited Talk)
Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Poster Session 1 (Poster Session)
Coffee Break (Break)
Interview with Stephen Wolfram (Interview)
Lunch Break (Break)
Introduction of the talk speaker (Introduction)
Understanding and Knowledge Extraction from Mathematical and Scientific Text (Invited Talk)
Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Introduction of the talk speaker (Introduction)
Free-form Grading of Math Assignments: A case study in collaboration with Art of Problem Solving (Invited Talk)
Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Introduction of the talk speaker (Introduction)
FACT: An automated teaching assistant for middle school math classrooms (Invited Talk)
Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Poster Session 2 (Poster Session)
Coffee Break (Break)
Introduction of the talk speaker (Introduction)
Weaving AI Into Education (Invited Talk)
Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Introduction of the contributed talk speaker (Introduction)
MathBERT: A Pre-trained Language Model for General NLP Tasks in Mathematics Education (Contributed Talk)
Contributed Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Introduction of the contributed talk speaker (Introduction)
Towards Grounded Natural Language Proof Generation (Contributed Talk)
Contributed Talk Q&A (Q&A)
Coffee Break (Break)
Panel Discussion (Panel)
Closing Remarks (Remarks)
Gamifying Math Education using Object Detection (Poster)
Geometric Question Answering Towards Multimodal Numerical Reasoning (Poster)
MathBERT: A Pre-trained Language Model for General NLP Tasks in Mathematics Education (Poster)
An Empirical Study of Finding Similar Exercises (Poster)
GeoRE: A Relation Extraction Dataset for Chinese Geometry Problems (Poster)
REAL2: An end-to-end memory-augmented solver for math word problems (Poster)
Towards Diagram Understanding and Cognitive Reasoning in Icon Question Answering (Poster)
Who Gets the Benefit of the Doubt? Racial Bias in Machine Learning Algorithms Applied to Secondary School Math Education (Poster)
Phygital Math Learning with Handwriting for Kids (Poster)
Evaluation of mathematical questioning strategies using data collected through weak supervision (Poster)
Exploring Student Representation For Neural Cognitive Diagnosis (Poster)
Theorem-Aware Geometry Problem Solving with Symbolic Reasoning and Theorem Prediction (Poster)
Towards Grounded Natural Language Proof Generation (Poster)