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Fri Dec 07 05:00 AM -- 03:30 PM (PST) @ Room 518
NeurIPS 2018 Competition Track Day 1
Sergio Escalera · Ralf Herbrich

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Opening and Best Demo Award announcement (Opening)
InclusiveImages: Competition Overview (Competition)
InclusiveImages: Competitor Presentations (Competition)
InclusiveImages: Wrap-Up (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Shooting ML Models in the Dark: The Landscape of Blackbox Attacks (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Results of the Adversarial Vision Challenge (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Theory-inspired Approaches for Adversarial Machine Learning (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Improving attack transferability with adversarially trained surrogate models (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Guessing Smart, New Directions for Sampling-Based Attacks (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Black-box Attacks with Small Search Subspace and Covariance Matrix Adaptation of Perturbation Noise (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Towards More Effective Black-Box Adversarial Training (Competition)
Adversarial Vision Challenge: Poster Session (Competition)
Coffee break (Break)
The Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2 (ConvAI2) : Setup, Opening Words (Competition)
The Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2 (ConvAI2) : Winners, Results & Analysis (Competition)
The Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2 (ConvAI2) : Winners talks & spotlights (Competition)
The Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2 (ConvAI2) : Conclusion, Discussion of Future Steps (Competition)
Lunch break (Break)
Xprize competition: introduction (Competition)
Xprize competition: MachineGenes (Competition)
Xprize competition: DeepDrug (Competition)
AutoML3 - LifeLong ML with concept drift Challenge: Overview and award ceremony (Competition)
AutoML3 - LifeLong ML with concept drift Challenge. First place winner: Automatically Optimized Gradient Boosting Trees for Classifying Large Volume High Cardinality Data Streams under Concept Drift (Competition)
AutoML3 - LifeLong ML with concept drift Challenge. Second place winner. A Boosting Tree Based AutoML System for High Cardinality Streaming Data Classification with Concept Drift (Competition)
AutoML3 - LifeLong ML with concept drift Challenge. Thrid place winner: GrandMasters team at AutoML3 challenge (Competition)
AutoML3 - LifeLong ML with concept drift Challenge: Experiences from participants (Competition)
AutoML3 - LifeLong ML with concept drift Challenge: MIT HAN LAB experience in the AutoML3 challenge (Competition)
Coffee break (Break)
TrackML challenge - Introduction : tracking particles in LHC detector (Competition)
TrackML Analyzing some top solutions (Competition)
TrackML a LSTM attempt (Competition)
TrackML when speed matter (Competition)
TrackML Conclusion and Outlook on the on-going Throughput phase (Competition)
AI for prosthetics: competition review (Competition)
AI for prosthetics: crowdAI (Competition)
AI for prosthetics: top ranked teams talks (Competition)
AI for prosthetics: OpenAI dexterous in-hand manipulation invited talk (Competition)