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(9 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Mon Dec 04 08:00 AM -- 10:15 AM (PST) @ Hall A
Deep Learning: Practice and Trends
Nando de Freitas · Scott Reed · Oriol Vinyals
[ Video
Mon Dec 04 08:00 AM -- 10:15 AM (PST) @ Grand Ballroom
A Primer on Optimal Transport
Marco Cuturi · Justin Solomon
[ Keynote [ M4V [ Video [ PDF
Mon Dec 04 08:00 AM -- 10:15 AM (PST) @ Hall C
Reinforcement Learning with People
Emma Brunskill
[ Video
Mon Dec 04 10:45 AM -- 01:00 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Statistical Relational Artificial Intelligence: Logic, Probability and Computation
Luc De Raedt · David Poole · Kristian Kersting · Sriraam Natarajan
[ Video
Mon Dec 04 10:45 AM -- 01:00 PM (PST) @ Grand Ballroom
Fairness in Machine Learning
Solon Barocas · Moritz Hardt
[ Video [ Slides
Mon Dec 04 10:45 AM -- 01:00 PM (PST) @ Hall A
Deep Probabilistic Modelling with Gaussian Processes
Neil D Lawrence
[ Video
Mon Dec 04 02:30 PM -- 04:45 PM (PST) @ Grand Ballroom
Differentially Private Machine Learning: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
Kamalika Chaudhuri · Anand D Sarwate
[ Video [ Slides
Mon Dec 04 02:30 PM -- 04:45 PM (PST) @ Hall A
Geometric Deep Learning on Graphs and Manifolds
Michael Bronstein · Joan Bruna · arthur szlam · Xavier Bresson · Yann LeCun
[ Slides [ Video
Mon Dec 04 02:30 PM -- 04:45 PM (PST) @ Hall C
Engineering and Reverse-Engineering Intelligence Using Probabilistic Programs, Program Induction, and Deep Learning
Josh Tenenbaum · Vikash Mansinghka
[ Video