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Wed Dec 06 06:30 PM -- 10:30 PM (PST) @ Pacific Ballroom #102
Generalizing GANs: A Turing Perspective
Roderich Gross · Yue Gu · Wei Li · Melvin Gauci

Recently, a new class of machine learning algorithms has emerged, where models and discriminators are generated in a competitive setting. The most prominent example is Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). In this paper we examine how these algorithms relate to the famous Turing test, and derive what - from a Turing perspective - can be considered their defining features. Based on these features, we outline directions for generalizing GANs - resulting in the family of algorithms referred to as Turing Learning. One such direction is to allow the discriminators to interact with the processes from which the data samples are obtained, making them "interrogators", as in the Turing test. We validate this idea using two case studies. In the first case study, a computer infers the behavior of an agent while controlling its environment. In the second case study, a robot infers its own sensor configuration while controlling its movements. The results confirm that by allowing discriminators to interrogate, the accuracy of models is improved.