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Fri Dec 08 08:00 AM -- 06:30 PM (PST) @ 204
Transparent and interpretable Machine Learning in Safety Critical Environments
Alessandra Tosi · Alfredo Vellido · Mauricio Álvarez

Workshop Home Page

The use of machine learning has become pervasive in our society, from specialized scientific data analysis to industry intelligence and practical applications with a direct impact in the public domain. This impact involves different social issues including privacy, ethics, liability and accountability. This workshop aims to discuss the use of machine learning in safety critical environments, with special emphasis on three main application domains:
- Healthcare
- Autonomous systems
- Complainants and liability in data driven industries
We aim to answer some of these questions: How do we make our models more comprehensible and transparent? Shall we always trust our decision making process? How do we involve field experts in the process of making machine learning pipelines more practically interpretable from the viewpoint of the application domain?

Opening remarks (Talk)
Invited talk: Is interpretability and explainability enough for safe and reliable decision making? (Talk)
Invited talk: The Role of Explanation in Holding AIs Accountable (Talk)
Contributed talk: Beyond Sparsity: Tree-based Regularization of Deep Models for Interpretability (Talk)
Coffe break 1 (Break)
Invited talk: Challenges for Transparency (Talk)
Contributed talk: Safe Policy Search with Gaussian Process Models (Talk)
Poster spotlights (Spotlight)
Poster session part I (Poster session)
Lunch break (Break)
Invited talk: When the classifier doesn't know: optimum reject options for classification. (Talk)
Contributed talk: Predict Responsibly: Increasing Fairness by Learning To Defer Abstract (Talk)
Contributed talk: Deep Motif Dashboard: Visualizing and Understanding Genomic Sequences Using Deep Neural Networks (Talk)
Best paper prize announcement (Announcement)
Coffe break and Poster session part II (Break)
Invited talk: Robot Transparency as Optimal Control (Talk)
Invited talk 6 (Talk)
Panel discussion (Discussion panel)
Final remarks (Talk)
End of workshop (Break)