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(12 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Tue Dec 09 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Neural Machine Translation
Bart van Merriënboer · Kyunghyun Cho · Dzmitry Bahdanau · Yoshua Bengio
Tue Dec 09 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
BIDMach: High Performance Machine Learning through Codesign and Rooflining
Huasha Zhao · Biye Jiang · John Canny
Tue Dec 09 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Playing with Convnets
Jason Yosinski · Hod Lipson
Tue Dec 09 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Machine Learning in the Browser
Ted Meeds · Remco Hendriks · Said Al Faraby · Magiel Bruntink · Max Welling
Tue Dec 09 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Toronto Deep Learning
Jamie Kiros · Russ Salakhutdinov · Nitish Srivastava · Yichuan Charlie Tang
Tue Dec 09 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Real-time machine-vision applications on a million-spiking-neuron chip
Paul Merolla · Rodrigo Alvarez-Icaza · Arnon Amir · Luca Longinotti · Sim Bamford · Brian Taba · Dharmendra Modha · Filipp Akopyan
Wed Dec 10 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
A 3D Simulator for Evaluating Reinforcement and Imitation Learning Algorithms on Complex Tasks
Leonidas Lefakis · François Fleuret · Cijo Jose
Wed Dec 10 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Learning for Tactile Manipulation
Tucker Hermans · Filipe Veiga · Janine Hölscher · Herke van Hoof · Jan Peters
Wed Dec 10 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
A Visual and Interactive IDE for Probabilistic Programming
Sameer Singh · Luke Hewitt · Tim Rocktäschel · Sebastian Riedel
Wed Dec 10 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
Unsupervised Transcription of Piano Music
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick · Jacob Andreas · Dan Klein
Wed Dec 10 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
SmartWheeler – A smart robotic wheelchair platform
Martin Gerdzhev · Joelle Pineau · Angus Leigh · Andrew Sutcliffe
Wed Dec 10 04:00 PM -- 08:59 PM (PST) @ Level 2, room 230B
ICE: Interactive Classification and Entity Extraction
Patrice Simard · Max Chickering · Aparna Lakshmiratan · Carlos Garcia Jurado Suarez · Saleema Amershi · Johan Verwey · Jina Suh