We invite the NIPS community to submit their artwork for the 2013 NIPS conference poster. The winner will receive full complimentary registration for the tutorials, conference, and workshop. Please design a poster and upload it in PDF, PNG, or JPG format. This is open to any member of NIPS: students, postdocs, and faculty. The NIPS board will review and vote for the best one.
Upload your poster by July 15, 2013. Good luck and thank you for your valuable contributions. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@nips.cc.
Previous NIPS posters can be viewed here: http://nips.cc/Conferences/
Submission page: https://nips.cc/Conferences/2013/PosterContest/Upload/
Poster Design Guidelines:
- Design your document in CMYK color mode. Most professional drawing programs (Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. can do this).
- The poster will be printed 18 inches x 24 inches . Choice of orientation (landscape or portrait) is decided by the artist. Given the large size, make sure you are working at a sufficiently high DPI (ideally at least 300 DPI) for structural elements as well as placed art. Scaled images that look fine on the screen may look terrible on the poster if they're too low in resolution.
- Make sure you have a pathway to save your poster to PDF - this is trivial from Illustrator. This is invaluable when you are sending preview drafts around. If possible, put the different versions on a webserver and pass around URLs; that way you'll prevent people's mailboxes from being filled up and will have a repository of design iterations.
- We grant you permission to use the NIPS Trademark for the purpose of this poster contest
- When designing your poster, remember to leave room for the Conference information outlined in the paragraph below.
Poster Content Requirements:
To reduce the number of corrections required, you should obtain the following text (which should appear exactly as it is to appear of the poster) from the website (use previous year's information when current is not available, or equivalent placeholder):
- Invited Speakers, affiliation, and talk title
- Tutorial, affiliation, and talk title
- Organizing Committee names and affiliations
- Program Committee names and affiliations
- Location of Conference and Workshops
- Dates for Tutorials, Conference, and Workshops
- NIPS logo
- NIPS url
Vectorized NIPS Logo:
License Requirements:
All art in your poster must be free of copyright or licensing entanglements. If your poster contains any non-original art you must obtain distribution rights before you submit your poster.