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A Unified Model for Content Based Image Suggestion and Feature Selection

Sabri Boutemedjet · Djemel Ziou · Nizar Bouguila


Content based image retrieval systems provide techniques for representing, indexing and searching images. They address only the user's short term needs expressed as queries. From the importance of the visual information in many applications such as advertisements and security, we motivate in this paper, the \emph{Content Based Image Suggestion}. It targets the user's long term needs as a recommendation of products based on the user preferences in different situations, and on the visual content of images. We propose a generative model in which the visual features and users are clustered into separate classes. We identify the number of both user and image classes with the simultaneous selection of relevant visual features. The goal is to ensure an accurate prediction of ratings for multidimensional images. This model is learned using the minimum message length approach. Experiments with an image collection showed the merits of our approach.

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