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Failure-Aware Gaussian Process Optimization with Regret Bounds

Shogo Iwazaki · Shion Takeno · Tomohiko Tanabe · Mitsuru Irie

Great Hall & Hall B1+B2 (level 1) #1200


Real-world optimization problems often require black-box optimization with observation failure, where we can obtain the objective function value if we succeed, otherwise, we can only obtain a fact of failure. Moreover, this failure region can be complex by several latent constraints, whose number is also unknown. For this problem, we propose a failure-aware Gaussian process upper confidence bound (F-GP-UCB), which only requires a mild assumption for the observation failure that an optimal solution lies on an interior of a feasible region. Furthermore, we show that the number of successful observations grows linearly, by which we provide the first regret upper bounds and the convergence of F-GP-UCB. We demonstrate the effectiveness of F-GP-UCB in several benchmark functions, including the simulation function motivated by material synthesis experiments.

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