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Asymptotically Optimal Quantile Pure Exploration for Infinite-Armed Bandits

Evelyn Xiao-Yue Gong · Mark Sellke

Great Hall & Hall B1+B2 (level 1) #1818

Abstract: We study pure exploration with infinitely many bandit arms generated \iid from an unknown distribution. Our goal is to efficiently select a single high quality arm whose average reward is, with probability $1-\delta$, within $\varepsilon$ of being with the top $\eta$-fraction of arms; this is a natural adaptation of the classical PAC guarantee for infinite action sets. We consider both the fixed confidence and fixed budget settings, aiming respectively for optimal \emph{expected} and \emph{fixed} sample complexity.For fixed confidence, we give an algorithm with expected sample complexity $O\left(\frac{\log (1/\eta)\log (1/\delta)}{\eta\varepsilon^2}\right)$. This is optimal except for the $\log (1/\eta)$ factor, and the $\delta$-dependence closes a quadratic gap in the literature. For fixed budget, we show the asymptotically optimal sample complexity as $\delta\to 0$ is $c^{-1}\log(1/\delta)\big(\log\log(1/\delta)\big)^2$ to leading order; equivalently, the optimal failure probability with exactly $N$ samples decays as $\exp\big(-(1\pm o(1))\frac{cN}{\log^2 N}\big)$.The value of $c$ depends explicitly on the problem parameters (including the unknown arm distribution) through a certain Fisher information distance. Even the strictly super-linear dependence on $\log(1/\delta)$ was not known and resolves a question of Grossman-Moshkovitz (FOCS 2015).

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