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Mixture Weight Estimation and Model Prediction in Multi-source Multi-target Domain Adaptation

Yuyang Deng · Ilja Kuzborskij · Mehrdad Mahdavi

Great Hall & Hall B1+B2 (level 1) #1724


We consider a problem of learning a model from multiple sources with the goal to performwell on a new target distribution. Such problem arises inlearning with data collected from multiple sources (e.g. crowdsourcing) orlearning in distributed systems, where the data can be highly heterogeneous. Thegoal of learner is to mix these data sources in a target-distribution aware way andsimultaneously minimize the empirical risk on the mixed source. The literature has made some tangible advancements in establishingtheory of learning on mixture domain. However, there are still two unsolved problems. Firstly, how to estimate the optimal mixture of sources, given a target domain; Secondly, when there are numerous target domains, we have to solve empirical risk minimization for each target on possibly unique mixed source data , which is computationally expensive. In this paper we address both problems efficiently and with guarantees.We cast the first problem, mixture weight estimation as convex-nonconcave compositional minimax, and propose an efficient stochasticalgorithm with provable stationarity guarantees.Next, for the second problem, we identify that for certain regime,solving ERM for each target domain individually can be avoided, and instead parameters for a target optimalmodel can be viewed as a non-linear function ona space of the mixture coefficients.To this end, we show that in offline setting, a GD-trained overparameterized neural network can provably learn such function.Finally, we also consider an online setting and propose an label efficient online algorithm, which predicts parameters for new models given arbitrary sequence of mixing coefficients, while enjoying optimal regret.

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