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Learning User Perceived Clusters with Feature-Level Supervision

Ting-Yu Cheng · Guiguan Lin · xinyang gong · Kang-Jun Liu · Shan-Hung (Brandon) Wu

Area 5+6+7+8 #106

Keywords: [ Clustering ] [ Semi-Supervised Learning ]


Semi-supervised clustering algorithms have been proposed to identify data clusters that align with user perceived ones via the aid of side information such as seeds or pairwise constrains. However, traditional side information is mostly at the instance level and subject to the sampling bias, where non-randomly sampled instances in the supervision can mislead the algorithms to wrong clusters. In this paper, we propose learning from the feature-level supervision. We show that this kind of supervision can be easily obtained in the form of perception vectors in many applications. Then we present novel algorithms, called Perception Embedded (PE) clustering, that exploit the perception vectors as well as traditional side information to find clusters perceived by the user. Extensive experiments are conducted on real datasets and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of PE empirically.

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