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Unsupervised Semantic Correspondence Using Stable Diffusion

Eric Hedlin · Gopal Sharma · Shweta Mahajan · Hossam Isack · Abhishek Kar · Andrea Tagliasacchi · Kwang Moo Yi

Great Hall & Hall B1+B2 (level 1) #1202


Text-to-image diffusion models are now capable of generating images that are often indistinguishable from real images. To generate such images, these models must understand the semantics of the objects they are asked to generate. In this work we show that, without any training, one can leverage this semantic knowledge within diffusion models to find semantic correspondences – locations in multiple images that have the same semantic meaning. Specifically, given an image, we optimize the prompt embeddings of these models for maximum attention on the regions of interest. These optimized embeddings capture semantic information about the location, which can then be transferred to another image. By doing so we obtain results on par with the strongly supervised state of the art on the PF-Willow dataset and significantly outperform (20.9% relative for the SPair-71k dataset) any existing weakly- or unsupervised method on PF-Willow, CUB-200 and SPair-71k datasets.

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