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Fair Graph Distillation

Qizhang Feng · Zhimeng (Stephen) Jiang · Ruiquan Li · Yicheng Wang · Na Zou · Jiang Bian · Xia Hu

Great Hall & Hall B1+B2 (level 1) #1527


As graph neural networks (GNNs) struggle with large-scale graphs due to high computational demands, data distillation for graph data promises to alleviate this issue by distilling a large real graph into a smaller distilled graph while maintaining comparable prediction performance for GNNs trained on both graphs. However, we observe that GNNs trained on distilled graphs may exhibit more severe group fairness problems than those trained on real graphs. Motivated by this observation, we propose \textit{fair graph distillation} (\Algnameabbr), an approach for generating small distilled \textit{fair and informative} graphs based on the graph distillation method. The challenge lies in the deficiency of sensitive attributes for nodes in the distilled graph, making most debiasing methods (e.g., regularization and adversarial debiasing) intractable for distilled graphs. We develop a simple yet effective bias metric, called coherence, for distilled graphs. Based on the proposed coherence metric, we introduce a framework for fair graph distillation using a bi-level optimization algorithm. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve better prediction performance-fairness trade-offs across various datasets and GNN architectures.

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