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Workshop: Learning-Based Solutions for Inverse Problems

Adapt and Diffuse: Sample-adaptive Reconstruction via Latent Diffusion Models

Zalan Fabian · Berk Tinaz · Mahdi Soltanolkotabi

Keywords: [ diffusion models ] [ sample-adaptive reconstruction ] [ Inverse Problems ]


Inverse problems arise in a multitude of applications, where the goal is to recover a clean signal from noisy and possibly (non)linear observations. The difficulty of a reconstruction problem depends on multiple factors, such as the structure of the ground truth signal, the severity of the degradation, the implicit bias of the reconstruction model and the complex interactions between the above factors. This results in natural sample-by-sample variation in the difficulty of a reconstruction task, which is often overlooked by contemporary techniques, resulting in long inference times, subpar performance and wasteful resource allocation. We propose a novel method to estimate the degradation severity of noisy, degraded signals in the latent space of an autoencoder. We show that the estimated severity has strong correlation with the true corruption level and can give useful hints at the difficulty of reconstruction problems on a sample-by-sample basis. Furthermore, we propose a reconstruction method based on latent diffusion models that leverages the predicted degradation severities to fine-tune the reverse diffusion sampling trajectory and thus achieve sample-adaptive inference.

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