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Connectivity Inference in Neuroimaging

Karl Friston · Moritz Grosse-Wentrup · Uta Noppeney · Bernhard Schölkopf

Westin: Nordic

Sat 12 Dec, 7:30 a.m. PST

Over the past decade, brain connectivity has become a central theme in the neuroimaging community. At the same time, causal inference has recently emerged as a major research topic in machine learning. Even though the two research questions are closely related, interactions between the neuroimaging and machine-learning communities have been limited.

The aim of this workshop is to initiate productive interactions between neuroimaging and machine learning by introducing the workshop audience to the different concepts of connectivity/causal inference employed in each of the communities. Special emphasis is placed on discussing commonalities as well as distinctions between various approaches in the context of neuroimaging. Due to the increasing relevance of brain connectivity for analyzing mental states, we also highly welcome contributions discussing applications of brain connectivity measures to real-world problems such as brain-computer interfacing or mental state monitoring.

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