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(6 events)   Timezone: America/Los_Angeles  
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Invited Talk (Posner Lecture)
Tue Dec 08 06:00 AM -- 06:50 AM (PST) @ Room 210 AB
Probabilistic Machine Learning: Foundations and Frontiers
Zoubin Ghahramani
Invited Talk
Tue Dec 08 11:00 AM -- 11:50 AM (PST) @ Level 2 room 210 AB
Incremental Methods for Additive Cost Convex Optimization
Asuman Ozdaglar
Invited Talk (Breiman Lecture)
Wed Dec 09 06:00 AM -- 06:50 AM (PST) @ Level 2 room 210 AB
Post-selection Inference for Forward Stepwise Regression, Lasso and other Adaptive Statistical procedures
Robert Tibshirani
Invited Talk
Wed Dec 09 11:00 AM -- 11:50 AM (PST) @ Level 2 room 210 AB
Diagnosis and Therapy of Psychiatric Disorders Based on Brain Dynamics
Mitsuo Kawato
Invited Talk
Wed Dec 09 01:30 PM -- 02:20 PM (PST) @ Level 2 room 210 AB
Computational Principles for Deep Neuronal Architectures
Haim Sompolinsky
Invited Talk (Posner Lecture)
Thu Dec 10 06:00 AM -- 06:50 AM (PST) @ Level 2 room 210 AB
Learning with Intelligent Teacher: Similarity Control and Knowledge Transfer
Vladimir Vapnik