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2015 Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Corinna Cortes (Google Research)
Neil D Lawrence (University of Sheffield)

Program Chairs

Daniel D Lee (University of Pennsylvania)
Masashi Sugiyama (The University of Tokyo)

Tutorials Chair

Ralf Herbrich (Amazon Development Center Germany GmbH)

Workshop Chairs

Borja Balle (McGill University)
Marco Cuturi (Kyoto University)

Demonstration Chair

Marc'Aurelio Ranzato (Facebook)

Publications Chair and Electronic Proceedings Chair

Roman Garnett  (Washington University, St. Louis)

Program Manager

Pedro A Ortega (University of Pennsylvania)
Yung-Kyun Noh (Seoul National University)


2015 Program Committee

Maria-Florina Balcan (Carnegie Mellon U.)
David Balduzzi (Wellington)
Samy Bengio (Google Research)
Alina Beygelzimer (Yahoo!)
Daniel Braun (MPI Tuebingen)
Emma Brunskill (CMU)
Gal Chechik (Bar Ilan U. / Google)
Kyunghyun Cho (U. Montreal)
Seungjin Choi (POSTECH)
Aaron Courville (U. Montreal)
Marco Cuturi (Kyoto U.)
Florence d'Alche-Buc (Telecom ParisTech)
Marc Deisenroth (Imperial Collage London)
Inderjit Dhillon (U. of Texas at Austin)
Francesco Dinuzzo (IBM Research)
Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan (EPFL)
Aldo Faisal (Imperial College London)
Emily Fox (U. Washington)
Kenji Fukumizu (Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Thomas Gaertner (Fraunhofer IAIS)
Amir Globerson (Hebrew U. of Jerusalem)
Ian Goodfellow (Google)
Moritz Grosse-Wentrup (MPI for Intelligent Systems)
Bohyung Han (Postech)
Elad Hazan (Princeton U.)
Xiaofei He (Zhejiang U.)
Tomoharu Iwata (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
Amos J. Storkey (U. of Edinburgh)
Kee-Eung Kim (KAIST)
Samory Kpotufe (Princeton U.)
Andreas Krause (ETH)
James Kwok (Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology)
Christoph Lampert (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)
John Langford (Microsoft)
Hugo Larochelle (U. Sherbrooke)
Pavel Laskov (U. of Tuebingen)
Svetlana Lazebnik (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Honglak Lee (U. Michigan)
Deng Li (MSR)
Hang Li (Huawei Technologies)
Chih-Jen Lin (National Taiwan U.)
Hsuan-Tien Lin (National Taiwan U.)
Yuanqing Lin (NEC Labs)
Zhouchen Lin (Peking U.)
Tie-Yan Liu (MSR Asia)
Aurelie Lozano (IBM Research)
David McAllester (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
Marina Meila (U. of Washington)
Shakir Mohamed (Google)
Claire Monteleoni (George Washington U.)
Greg Mori (Simon Fraser U.)
Remi Munos (INRIA Lille)
Shinichi Nakajima (Technische U. Berlin)
Sebastian Nowozin (MSR Cambridge)
Peter Orbanz (Columbia U.)
Sinno Pan (NTU Singapore)
Barnabas Poczos (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Massimiliano Pontil (U. Collage London)
Novi Quadrianto (U. of Sussex)
Gunnar Raetsch (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
Alain Rakotomamonjy (U.  of Rouen)
Cynthia Rudin (MIT)
Ruslan Salakhutdinov (U. of Toronto)
Issei Sato (U. of Tokyo)
Clayton Scott (U. of Michigan)
Matthias Seeger (Amazon Development Center Germany, Berlin)
Dino Sejdinovic (U. of Oxford)
Yevgeny Seldin (U. of Copenhagen)
Jianbo Shi (U. of Pennsylvania)
Aarti Singh (CMU)
Le Song (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Cheng Soon Ong (NICTA)
Nati Srebro (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
Bharath Sriperumbudur ( Pennsylvania State U.)
Alan Stocker (U. of Pennsylvania)
Wee Sun Lee (National University of Singapore)
Ilya Sutskever (Google)
Taiji Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Csaba Szepesvari (U. of Alberta)
Ichiro Takeuchi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Toshiyuki Tanaka (Kyoto U.)
Ryota Tomioka (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
Ivor Tsang (U. of Technology, Sydney)
Koji Tsuda (U. of Tokyo)
Naonori Ueda (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation)
Laurens van der Maaten (U.of Delft)
Rene Vidal (Johns Hopkins U.)
S.V.N. Vishwanathan (UC Santa Cruz)
Liwei Wang (Peking U.)
Sinead Williamson (U. of Texas at Austin)
Eric Xing (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Huan Xu (National U. of Singapore)
Eunho Yang (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
Jieping Ye (U. of Michigan)
Byron Yu (Carnegie Mellon U.)
Jingyi Yu (U. of Delaware)
Xinhua Zhang (National ICT Australia)
Dengyong Zhou (MSR)
Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing U.)
Jun Zhu (Tsinghua U.)
Xiaojin Zhu (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)